Feast of Justice is remaining open for distribution of food.
*** We are now part of the City Food Relief Program. ***
New Hours
Monday, 10am-noon: City Food Relief Program, non-perishables only
9-10 am for guests with a Feast of Justice ID card
10 am - noon for the general public
4-5 pm for guests with a Feast of Justice ID card
5-7 pm for the general public
Thursday, 10am-noon: City Food Relief Program, perishables only
1-2 pm for Feast of Justice guests
2-4 pm for the general public
No appointments necessary. There is no access to the building.
To Our Guests
Email addresses
Feast of Justice is collecting the email addresses of all guests. If you are a guest, please email your name (first and last), email address, and indicate whether you are a registered Feast of Justice guest or not to info@feastofjustice.org.
Even if you have provided this information before, if you have not received an email from Feast of Justice in the past two weeks, please resend your information to info@feastofjustice.org.
Special Note to Organizations:
If your organization needs food for seven or more people, you must first contact Feast of Justice and order in advance through info@feastofjustice.org. You must wait for a response from us before coming to Feast of Justice to pick up food.