Philabundance is offering free, monthly home-delivery of frozen entrees to seniors in need in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meal boxes will be delivered by Philabundance or one of our member partners.
Qualifications for Meals: Age 60 or older, resident of Philadelphia or Delaware county preferred. We will consider seniors who reside in other nearby counties on a case-by-case basis.
Quantity: There are 8 entrees in each box. 2 of each recipe. Seniors may choose to receive 1 or 2 boxes each month based on their freezer capacity.
About the Meals: Entree recipes will vary by month but boxes are not customizable. Recipes are based on USDA Guidelines for senior nutrition; are prepared free of common allergens; but are not certified Kosher, Halal, Vegan, Vegetarian or gluten free.
Time Frame: The program will launch in January 2021 and is funded through May 2021. Once meal capacity is reached, we will no longer be able to accept new seniors.
Apply here