Did you know you can host an event for Feast of Justice?
If you have a venue, such as, a museum, restaurant, event hall, or small room you can host a fundraiser to help drive hunger away from our community and lift up those who need it most.
Did you know that Feast of Justice distributed
1.47 million pounds of food last year
We served
35,125 households
78% of visits were by guests who came to us for the first time during Covid-19
Fresh and frozen food distributed average over 12 months is 73%
Community building guests connected with an average of 8 volunteers per distribution
Join us to continue making an impact in Northeast Philadelphia and beyond!

The cost of meat, poultry, fish and eggs is 13% higher since February 2021. Fresh fruit has gone up 10.6% in price in that time, while the price for vegetables has remained much more stable, increasing just 4.3%. The price of pre-packaged cereals and baked goods has increased 7.7%
"Experts worry high food prices mean more children will grow up with poor nutrition, setting more kids up for a lifetime of health problems, from obesity to diabetes."
- USA Today
What Can We Do With the Money You Raise?
We can increase our capacity for home essentials that every family needs.
We can increase our capacity to offer more healthy and fresh food.
We can increase our capacity to offer more than food to our community, such as, life skills training and nutrition classes
1. Come up with a plan!
2. Email us and tell us your plan, so we can send you our logo for your marketing materials.
3. It could be an athletic event like a 5K, a celebration or party, an auction, raffle, or a beef & beer.
4. We will have to approve your plan before we send our logo to ensure it is inline with our mission.
5. Tag us on social media using #feastofjusticeraiseup
6. All checks must be made payable to
Feast of Justice and mailed to
3101 Tyson Ave., Philadelphia, PA, 19149
We are not able to finance the event, sell a product or service, release donor, volunteer, employee, or board information.
Contact us at info@feastofjustice.org and send us your ideas!
We can't wait to work with you!