How to Register and Receive an FOJ ID Card in 3 steps!
FIRST complete the online application. Please include your email in your application if possible. You will receive confirmation AND an option to make a registration appointment VIA EMAIL. The online application will make the process faster.
NEXT make an appointment to complete your registration OR "walk-up" during our available registration times. To schedule an appointment, email registration@feastofjustice.org or leave us a message 215-268-3510 ext. 4. (When calling, leave one voicemail message with your name. We will respond to your call.)
FINALLY arrive for your registration appointment and receive your FOJ ID card. To expedite your registration, you can bring
* Photo ID,
*proof of address, and
* documentation for family members to your appointment.
*These documents ARE NOT REQUIRED. You will also receive food when you complete the registration process.
In-Person Registration Hours
3101 Tyson Ave. (at Sackett St.)
Tuesdays 9:30 AM-11:30 AM
alternating Wednesdays 10 AM-12 PM
alternating Wednesdays 4 PM-6 PM
Saturdays 10 AM-11:30 AM
6434 Castor Ave. (at Hellerman St.)
Thursdays 11 AM-12:30 PM
**Guests with appointments will be served first. Guests without appointments are served in order of arrival. We do not guarantee availability without an appointment.
Who can register?
Feast of Justice serves 11 zip codes; 19111, 19114, 19115, 19116, 19120, 19124, 19135, 19136, 19149, 19152, and 19154. The registration is for the full household; there can be only one registration per household. There is NO income requirement to be able to receive food at Feast of Justice.
Why Register?
Feast of Justice requires registration of all guests who shop in our Community Choice Cupboard. We use the information we get from registrations to see who and how many people we are serving, in order to determine how much food we can give in our Community Choice Cupboard. We also use registrations to help connect our guests to specific resources.
I completed the online application,
Why haven't I gotten an email response?
Feast of Justice is receiving a record number of applications, but we do our best to get back you as quickly as possible. It may take up to two weeks to process your registration. Oftentimes, we may not have your correct email or the response is in your SPAM folder. You can email us at registration@feastofjustice.org to request assistance.
What if I don't have an email to make an appointment?
If you do not have an email address please call 215-268-3510 ext. 4 to make an appointment, or visit us during our registration hours. (When calling, leave one voicemail message with your name. We will respond to your call.)
Can another person pick up food
with my FOJ ID Card?
If you are picking up food, you must either be the head of household, a listed family member, or a "Proxy". If you are not listed on the card account, the card holder can complete a Proxy form to add you to the card.
How long can I use my FOJ ID Card?
Guests are expected to re-register (re-confirm address and household members) every 2 years. If you have not confirmed your household information and you registered over 2 years ago, you might need to re-register. If you are unable to make appointments, you might need to re-register. Contact registration@feastofjustice.org for a time to re-register, or call 215-268-3510 ext. 4. (When calling, leave one voicemail message with your name. We will respond to your call.)